Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart (and ears) be also" Matthew 6:21

Elizabeth Elliot - "The more we pay for advice the more we are likely to listen to it. Advice from a friend which is free we may take or leave. Advice from a consultant we have paid much for personally, we are more likely to accept, but it is still our choice; we can take it or leave it. But the guidance of God is different. First of all, we do not come to God asking for advice, but for God's will and that is not optional. And God's fee is the highest one of all; it costs everything. To ask for the guidance of God requires abandonment. We no longer say, ‘If I trust you, you will give me such and such.' Instead, we must say, ‘I trust you. Give or withhold from me whatever you choose.' As John Newton says, ‘What you will. When you will. How you will.'"

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